Actually, I have more lousy GI days then good days... but it's certainly all relative, I constantly remind myself... as in the BIG picture of cancer... I am able to function fairly well... most days. But it seems like my GI system has ruled my life for years now. Who knew, I sure didn't know, that IGA immunoglobulins play such a critical role in the intestinal system... no wonder I always seemed to be so sensitive to foods, digestion, germs, etc, and then I get diagnosed with IGA Myeloma!
But, dang it... my plan was NOT to live life dependent upon my proximity to my bathroom!
I make plans, and cancel them
I hope to walk for a little exercise on Dex days, but I can only really walk in my own backyard, since I never know when "John" will be my best friend
I make plans, and cancel them
If I eat out... I never know if I'll have instant GI retalliation
I make plans, and cancel them
I schedule myself with students, hoping to make it into work, but then I can't... as I certainly don't want to be in my office chatting with students, then suddenly have cramps and have a "biological emergency"!
I make plans, and cancel them
My life: now centered around my GI functionality... make that, dysfunctionality! ugh!
Sorry if this is "TMI" (Too Much Information), but it's my reality this time round with Myeloma's recurrence/relapse. I had "issues" before, but I don't recall days and days and days of "instant processing" of food, like I have now. I don't recall my 2010 chemo and meds affecting me quite like this, every week, every month. Sure when I was hospitalized for my stem cell transplant and had high dose chemo, every part of me was a wreck, including my GI system. But dang it stupid stomach... let me be!
I vacillate between, ok I just won't eat... thinking nothing in, nothing out. But that's dumb, and besides, I get weak, dizzy, head-achy, etc, so I eat, trying my normal healthy stuff, to bland, boring, plain stuff... but this week, it still went thru me. Jim even buys me delicious (lol) options of Gerber baby foods. That went thru me this week. Plain baked potatoes went thru me. Boring, no food value Saltine crackers went thru me. I tried good ol chicken-rice soup today. That went thru me. Shheesshh this has been going on since late last Sunday (and last month, and the month before, and before, etc). Dex and Rev often has the opposite effect, binding me up. So what's up GI system???
So I give up, give in, and later this afternoon, worried I had lost so many nutrients for the week and hadn't taken my Acyclovr, Mepron, etc for days, I decided to go for broke and tried a chocolate Ensure with my meds... and surprise surprise, so far so good! So hopefully I am suddenly better... gurgle gurgle, rumble rumble... only to start the med cycle over again with Dex tomorrow... then hello GI distress come Sunday, Monday on... ugh!!!
On another note, I found out today that my Myeloma neighbor learned his MM is back. He was diagnosed about 6 months after me, and thru our neighborhood grapevine we discovered each other's MM plight in 2010! Same medical team, same Kaiser facility, same meds, same Auto SCT at City of Hope, same Rev maintenance, etc. But he had remission for 3 and a half years!!! Sadly, welcome back to the treatment club buddy...
Between bathroom visitations, I rushed over and took my monthly blood tests today and have my oncology check up next week...
Let's see what story my Stats tell this month...
Live happy, live well, and make a difference somewhere, somehow, with someone or something as often as you can!