I am still here Myeloma!
Since my last blog posting and July milestones, I've met with my oncologist/hematologist, received my monthly results, discussed my current stats and treatment plan for this month and possibly next. I've taken note that I've completed 10 months of Revlimid and Dex since coming out of remission last year, dealt with several new varieties of side effects and weird physical stuff, but over-all, my quality of life is rather tolerable... considering I have "terminal, incurable" cancer, and I'm limited by how immune compromised I am.
But the ironies of my life never cease to humor and distract me from dwelling too long on my cancer status. I've always known my tendencies towards nurturing/healing/helping others, but my continual intersections with those that need me seem to never cease. So listen up Cancer... I have NO time for YOU!!!
I was QUITE SURPRISED to learn my Myeloma numbers were back UP this month, and my immune system continues to be borderline scary compromised! Into my "bubble" I go... ugh, I am so scared about getting sick, as there are so many germs out there, just lurking to attack those of us with weak immune systems!
So here's my results in #s :
WBC's really low: 2.5 (4.0-11 scale)
ANC (Absolute Neutrophils Count): 1.3 (1.8-7.7 x 1000/mcL) eekk!
M-Protein/M-Spike up again: 0.85 (normal = 0.0)
Beta Globulin Electrophoresis: 1.46 (0.65-1.10 scale)
Gamma Globulin Electrophoresis: 0.41 (0.70-1.60 scale)
IGA: 1110 (70-400 scale) up again from last month (I'm "high risk" IgA Myeloma)
IGG: 335 (700-1600 scale)
IGM: 17 (40-230 scale)
So what's all this mean? I'll continue on with Rev 10mg + Dex 20mg for August and see what happens. My oncologist and I agreed that if the numbers continue their upward climb, we'll try Rev 15mg for September, or add/try Velcade or another treatment option. My Drs are worried about my compromised immune system as there's a delicate dance here between treatment options and my ability to tolerate it. But I'll fight the fight, whatever that fight might be, as I have too much left here to do.
These past couple of months, several amazing people I know lost their battle to various cancers, including Myeloma, and others have been newly diagnosed. The tragic passing of loved ones is a wake up call to me to continue to view everyday as a Bucket List Day, take nothing for granted, find joy, happiness, humor, purpose and fulfillment each and every day! Yes, I worry about my "situation", but I don't dwell on it. I am cautiously optimistic that I'll get many more years, but I am also realistic...
Links worth clicking-
Treatment options discussion group
Myeloma Beacon is a fantastic Myeloma information source!
Who reads our blogs? Great post from Pat Killingworth
Thank you to all my readers everywhere, for caring about my myeloma journey!
Tom Brokaw's commentary on MM - An American Story - 07/23/14
Spontaneously heard this on the radio last month!
Live happy, live well, and make a difference somewhere, somehow, with someone or something as often as you can!